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Fuck your dubstep

Posted 01-14-2013 at 01:20 PM by Sekto Springs
Updated 01-14-2013 at 01:25 PM by Sekto Springs
So some updates since my last depressing blog...

Last week mom swallowed her pride and drove down to the welfare office, which is located in one of those parts of town where you're liable to get shot in the face just for looking crossways. After a grueling hour in a filthy waiting room and plenty of paperwork, we managed to qualify for food stamps. Fifty bucks a week. That's for food only, no toiletries or other amenities.

We're not out of the woods yet, but this is a good start. Once you qualify for one form of aid, it becomes a bit easier to land others. The fact that the government now recognizes that we can't afford to feed ourselves will, with any luck, serve as a primer for other potential means of financial assistance. Can't unring that bell, Uncle Sam, you fat fuck.

While this is a step in the right direction financially, it was a sobering blow to mom's already tenuous self-esteem. She went in the early A.M. before I was awake, and I find her in the morning crying quietly to herself. When I queried what was the matter, she described how terrible the place was, how rudely they treated her, and the kind of slovenly trash with whom she shared the waiting room. She glumly observed "I'm one of them now". By "them" she's referring to the chaff. The fat, gap-toothed, brain-dead, teenage mothers and ex-convicts that make our city such a jolly place to live.

Mom has three college degrees, summa cum laude in medicine. She's worked her ass off her whole life. Despite this, here she is at 52, begging the government for money alongside the types of people she's come to despise over the course of her career.

I tried to console her, explaining that it's a system she's paid into by working honestly, and now it's their turn to give something back. She perked up a bit, and even more when we went shopping and were able to afford more than cup-a-noodles. I'm still keeping a close eye on her.

Still short on the rent, which is already a week late. Our landlord is pretty nice, thankfully, and has told us to just pay what we can when we can. He's a good guy, which only makes me wish all the more that I could pay him what we owe.

Comcast, our internet provider, has cut off our service because we can't pay them. The internet I'm using right now is courtesy of our friendly neighbor lady who, like mom, has also been a victim of medical malpractice (by the same company) and has been living on disability ever since.

The cable contract was in my mom's bastard ex-fiancee's name. He stopped payments after moving out, but due to an oversight, we kept our service until now. They're owed like $300, but that's his problem. I've also been downloading tons of shit illegally and secretly hoping they would catch on and blame him. I know that's not how it works but the thought of the feds showing up at his door accusing him of being a FILTHY PIRATE in a basso tone makes me grin like a retard every time.

We're looking into new services, because we're tired of Cumcast's bloated price and sleazy business practices. Of course, our city is little more than an insignificant shit stain on the corporate communications overhead, so the service options are extremely limited here. It's pretty much either Comcast, Verizon (which is basically the same thing), or a generic provider called Clear whose most affordable service package isn't even available in our area. Not sure how we're going to resolve that one. Rent comes first.

In addition to all of this, Mom's social security shot up by some outrageous margin like 35% in the last month. So now she's paying an extra twenty dollars in taxes that won't be refunded for another 15 years, now that the state has raised the retirement age to 67. It's obvious they're trying to do away with social security all together, as they bump up the age every two years now. Mark me, by the time I'm her age, I won't see one cent for my troubles until I'm too old to breathe without a machine hooked up to my lungs.

So yeah, all of that to basically say we're only doing marginally better. Mom's apathy is starting to worry me. I find I'm doing more and more things that she's supposed to be doing, things that I'm not sure I can really handle in addition to what I have to do already for my own sake.

She does a little less every day, too tired to keep pushing that boulder up the hill, knowing it will just roll back down. I don't blame her. I have to be strong for her, but I'm not very confident in myself.
Total Comments 23


Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Well it's a start. Glad to hear things are looking up, if only slightly.

Whatever happened to renting out that room?
Posted 01-14-2013 at 01:52 PM by Mr. Bungle

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Mom keeps ducking the subject. She's always either too preoccupied with something else or just forgets completely. I forget too. This is another one of those things that I'll probably have to take care of in her stead. Watch me end up renting the room out to a soldier of the RAHOWA.
Posted 01-14-2013 at 01:58 PM by Sekto Springs

STM's Avatar
Glad you managed to get those food stamps, emotional stuff aside that's a step in the right direction.

You're right to tell your mum that the country should be paying her back for her life's work. The welfare system exists so people down on their luck who deserve a little push can get it. Not five-children single mothers who refuse to use protection and then can't work because they keep popping out kids with randoms.

I guess this could potentially be the first step on a road to recovery.

P.S. Have you thought about putting yourself up on the internet for writing? It's not exactly lucrative but if you take every job you can you might make an extra $200 a month once people notice you.
Posted 01-15-2013 at 01:21 AM by STM

Sekto Springs's Avatar
I suck at writing. You'd get more bang for your buck hiring a gorilla with a typewriter than you would hiring me.

I am going to put an open service call on Craigslist for anyone who needs a videographer/editor/mixer once I get my new computer all set up.

But you have to understand that Pittsburgh is almost completely devoid of creative opportunities. Very few listings looking for artists of any caliber. It's a bad city for the arts, despite our tiny and delusional creative community trying to say otherwise.
Posted 01-15-2013 at 08:06 AM by Sekto Springs

STM's Avatar
You could sell your virginity on Craigslist. Apparently you can make quite a lot of moolah doing that.

I was wondering if I could try and sell myself on Craiglist for £6000 so I can pay for my first year of university. xD
Posted 01-15-2013 at 10:32 AM by STM

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Thanks for assuming I'm a virgin.
Posted 01-15-2013 at 10:37 AM by Sekto Springs

Nepsotic's Avatar
Didn't you "do it" with Nexy?

Or was that all bullshit?
You could sell your virginity on Craigslist. Apparently you can make quite a lot of moolah doing that.

I was wondering if I could try and sell myself on Craiglist for £6000 so I can pay for my first year of university. xD
Do you have to be good looking to do that? Because if not, it gives me an idea.
Posted 01-15-2013 at 10:42 AM by Nepsotic

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Didn't you "do it" with Nexy?

Or was that all bullshit?
We dated for 5 years, so if by "do it" you mean we fucked. Yes. We did. Several times.

Do you have to be good looking to do that? Because if not, it gives me an idea.
This is the best way to admit that you're ugly.
Posted 01-15-2013 at 10:49 AM by Sekto Springs

Nepsotic's Avatar
I saw this thing that says your brain sees yourself 10 times prettier than you actually are, and I don't think I'm that good looking anyway, so I'm fucked.
We dated for 5 years, so if by "do it" you mean we fucked. Yes. We did. Several times.
Was it good?
Posted 01-15-2013 at 11:35 AM by Nepsotic

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Regardless of what I answer, I'm bound to offend someone.
Posted 01-15-2013 at 11:43 AM by Sekto Springs

mr.odd's Avatar
I was wondering if I could try and sell myself on Craiglist for £6000 so I can pay for my first year of university. xD
Oh STM, You overpriced slut.

Also, good to hear things are looking a little better. Stay strong Sekto. You'll get through this.
Posted 01-15-2013 at 12:39 PM by mr.odd

Sekto Springs's Avatar
We aren't able to pay for utilities this month. We may have to spend the next few weeks without heat or water. That's going to be a bitch, since our winters are frigid as tits.
Posted 01-15-2013 at 12:56 PM by Sekto Springs

Nate's Avatar
[QUOT=Sekto Springs] I am going to put an open service call on Craigslist for anyone who needs a videographer/editor/mixer once I get my new computer all set up. [/QUOTE]I'm not sure that Craigslist is your best bet. I have a friend who has hired graphic designers and a composer for the game he's developing in his spare time from finding them on Reddit. I'm not a Redditor myself, but apparently there are sub-Reddits just for looking for gamedev (and, I assume, other fields) work.

My friend also suggested you look for work taking game footage from indie developers and editing it in to trailers. Most devs are shit at that sort of thing and would gladly pay (not much, but it's something) for someone else to do it for them.
Posted 01-15-2013 at 09:26 PM by Nate

Sekto Springs's Avatar
I hate Reddit so much. Craigslist is specifically for finding local work, mind you. Reddit would be a good bet for finding telecommunication, but it's also a lot more competition, competition I might not be able to match.
Posted 01-15-2013 at 10:00 PM by Sekto Springs

Nate's Avatar
Are you sure that local work is your best bet? At least Reddit opens you up to a wider potential customer/employer base.
Posted 01-16-2013 at 01:00 AM by Nate

STM's Avatar
Not to mention that, without wanting to sound offensive, beggars can't be choosers. Go wherever you might get a chance for a job is what I'd suggest.
Posted 01-16-2013 at 07:00 AM by STM

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Are you sure that local work is your best bet? At least Reddit opens you up to a wider potential customer/employer base.
I'm going to be putting myself out there however I can, of course. I've just had bad experiences with Reddit in the past.
Posted 01-16-2013 at 07:43 AM by Sekto Springs

MeechMunchie's Avatar
You mean when people objected to you advertising your movie? In a place that basically exists to draw attention to random shit off the internet?
Posted 01-16-2013 at 08:20 AM by MeechMunchie

Sekto Springs's Avatar
No, it was something else involving a friend that I'd rather not get into. Let's just say he takes the internet far more seriously than I do.

When it came to my short film, Reddit was actually quite helpful in providing promotional ideas, despite the few verbose naysayers. Unfortunately, given my current circumstances, pretty much all of my creative endeavors have been put on hold.
Posted 01-16-2013 at 10:57 AM by Sekto Springs
Updated 01-16-2013 at 11:01 AM by Sekto Springs

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
I used to like Reddit but now every time I go there I end up leaving after about 3 links.
Posted 01-20-2013 at 04:25 PM by Mr. Bungle

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I was seriously worried you were going to make an "arrow to the knee" joke there.
Posted 01-21-2013 at 09:51 AM by MeechMunchie

Nepsotic's Avatar
*In the knee
Posted 01-21-2013 at 11:39 AM by Nepsotic

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
If I was the type of person to make that joke, I probably wouldn't be confessing my growing dislike for Reddit. In fact I'd probably be there right now.
Posted 01-21-2013 at 11:44 AM by Mr. Bungle


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