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Sydney 08-21-2001 08:04 AM

What do you Look Like?
Rettick's recent post reminded me of an old thread at the EzBoard where a handful of the members posted their photographs. So far I believe we've seen Daniel Brown, Abe Babe, myself and a couple of the others. So I was inspired to post a new topic since we have many new members.

So here's my most recent phot

Gluk Schmuck 08-21-2001 09:25 AM

great pic...you're a guy, right?
what is your real hair color then?

PinkHaired Mudokon CWR 08-21-2001 11:24 AM

Nope, it was black or something. Why did you dye it? You looked so much older when it was black. Oh well. Smile Sydney!! :D

If i have my digital camera fixed, you will see some pics on my kay? I'm sexy like a sexy slig! :D

[ August 21, 2001: Message edited by: PinkHaired Mudokon CWR ]

Cool Paramite 08-21-2001 11:33 AM

A sexy slig? That is ridiculous!

freakyLA 08-21-2001 11:51 AM

Well I´ve already seen a pict of you syd. YOu looked so much different there. BTW where was the pict taken?

glukkon_daniel 08-21-2001 12:23 PM

Is red your real eye color too? Hahahahaha!

Sexy Slig 08-21-2001 12:57 PM

What the hells wrong with a sexy slig CP?
Read my name and dont dis it! :mad: :mad: :mad: http://www.oddworldian.net/misc/banners/SexySlig.gif

Sydney 08-22-2001 07:38 AM

What? No new photos of members yet, how disapointing. C'mon people!

Gluk Schmuck: I should hope so!! My real hair colour is more of a light brown.

PinkHaired: Hurry and get your digital camera fixed; I want to see your photo.

Freaky, the photo was taken in my bedroom.

Xavier 08-22-2001 08:33 AM

You never see my face it's more awful than a Slig face...

Cloverfield 08-22-2001 10:19 AM

Mine isn't a new photo, as I don't have any recent ones.

Here is me with... well Abe!


And me with none other than Lorne himself.


Abe Babe...

Cool Paramite 08-22-2001 10:20 AM

Sorry Sexy Slig, I do not mean to offend you. But I just can't undrstand how a SLIG can be sexy, okay?

Gluk Schmuck 08-22-2001 10:52 AM

WOW, you met LL!

i'm just too much of a wimp to show you lot my pic...maybe another day...

PinkHaired Mudokon CWR 08-22-2001 11:16 AM

That's you Abebabe? I thought that was Lorne's Wife!

Alector 08-22-2001 02:30 PM

I will post a pic of me when i find one that i LIKE!!! I never would post a pic of me when i find it ugly...uuum....just wait for my pic (you can long wait for it! bwahahahahaha!!! j/k )
http://www.kacke.de/vb/ownimages/smilies/icon16.gif :D http://www.kacke.de/vb/ownimages/smilies/biglaugh.gif

Sl'askia 08-22-2001 02:38 PM

i would post one...but my boyfriend has them all and he is overseas...*sigh*

Gluk Schmuck 08-22-2001 03:19 PM

ok then...this is my passport pic, it was taken some time last year...

what'ya think?

Alector 08-22-2001 03:48 PM

Hehehe! You reminds me on Eugen, the best in our school....(yep...he know all things!) He sometimes made my homeworks in math! HöHöHö!

freakyLA 08-22-2001 04:07 PM

Well I wouldn´t post a passport pict from me because this one is about 5 years old. And I looked totally different there.
Let´s see what I can find. I search for a new one.

@syd: I just wondered because of the ppsters and picts in the background. What are those picts?

Xavier 08-22-2001 04:16 PM

I have A picture of me With Odd look but I can't put hem on Line.... I need HELPPPPPP

I fave A idee for Sydney: Make a Gallery witch the foto's of the members ! ! !

[ August 22, 2001: Message edited by: Xavier ]

DarkHoodness 08-22-2001 06:48 PM

Crappy photo of me:
J/K! :) Nah, that's my pet goat, Capricorn. This is a crappy photo of me:
I will post better photos of me soon. Is it okay if I post one of me doing a v-sign at the camera (when I manage to scan it in)? :) Also, yes, that is me in my sig. Yeah, I need a better photo to put in there.
- DH

Black Dragon 08-22-2001 07:22 PM

I'd post one of myself...but I don't like posting my pic over the 'net....

Danny 08-22-2001 07:23 PM

i can't remember who it was who said they were waiting until they got a decent pic, but come on! i didn't wait for a decent pic, did i? :D

we don't have a scanner or a digital camera, but my mum's partner has a digital camera, and generally uploads the pictures onto a computer. unfortunately, my mum got a laptop recently, onto which he now uploads his pictures, so i have no recent [or good] pictures on the hard drive. that's why i had to make do with the old hippy one, which [i may as well say again for good measure] is NOT what i usually look like...

freakyLA 08-27-2001 04:09 PM

Not many people answered here...

Alector 08-27-2001 07:49 PM

Yeah, freaky..maybe they don't want that you post a pic of you! bwoahahahahhaa!!!! ....just a joke! http://www.kacke.de/vb/ownimages/smilies/angel01.gif

Perhaps the most people don't want post their photos (like me, i never would post a photo of me here...except for the baby photos) here. http://www.kacke.de/vb/ownimages/smilies/newsaw.gif

Capri Ream 08-27-2001 08:44 PM

Hey how do I put my photos on? (I'm really stupid on internet stuff!)

LuxoJr 08-27-2001 09:09 PM

Meh...I don't have a digital camera or scanner, so I can't put anything up - and I've alread tried that Radiohead gag once.

Seems like every time a photo's taken of me I either look like a deer stunned by headlights or my eyes are shut. Why does the 1/6th of a second it takes for me to blink always coincide with the instant a photo snaps? Why?!

MrBoj 08-27-2001 10:23 PM

same here, no scanner, no digital camera, I'm TOO POOR! *boo-hoo* But if I did, I know you would all fall in love with me! (or run away in fright)

Joe the Intern 08-27-2001 11:41 PM

id show you my pic, but the only one i have is me with my shirt off lyin on the couch watchin tv. anybody wanna see? :D

DarkHoodness 08-28-2001 02:51 AM

(If you have any problem with the following, ignore me, I'm being dumb, ok?)

Heh, I know why people don't wanna post thier photos here. It's because they're scared the a pedifile might come over to thier house and rape them or something. I have no fear of this, becase:

1. I am always armed
2. 7 dogs are living on the premisis, and they bark at anybody who enters.

And be warned: If you are a pedifile reading this now, don't even THINK about hurting me, or I'll knock you into the middle of next centry, you hear?!

Anyway, most people seem to think they are vunrable, which maybe they are.
*Sympathy to those people*
- DH

DarkHoodness 08-28-2001 03:03 AM

For anyone who wants to put photos on here and doesn't know how (Like Capri):
If you have pictures to put on here, you will need a web site to upload them to, first. I use MSN Picture IT to upload them. It's pretty crap, but it's okay most of the time. To get it, go here, and search for information about creating an MSN community.

One you have done that, and uploaded your pictures to your site, right click on your uploaded picture, and click properties. Select to url of the picture in the properties window using the mouse, then right click on it and a menu will pop up, and then select copy. Go back to these forums, and when you want to post your pic, just click the Image button when writing your post.
Hope everyone could understand all that. . .
- DH