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paramiteabe 03-18-2004 02:36 PM

The Oddworld Art Contest
Ok guys this is the new art contest that I promise will be much easier to understand. Theres going to be two of them this one and another in non Oddworld art and litature. Alector, Oddguy and Sligslinger are my judges but they too are aloud to submit their work. Originally I wanted six judges but I want to get this rolling now. So if your still intrested in being an art judge pm me about it and I will fit you on the Art Team.

This is the Oddworld art Contest. In this contest submit only Oddworld related art.

It can be done in any medium from paintings to digital work to drawings. And if you like you can submit any kind of 3D work like clay sculptures or mocketts or models because I know some of you do models.

It can be Black and white or color and you have 2 months for the first winner of Oddworld art of 2004. Each contest will have one winner and each contest will last in two month periods.

The winner of the contests are based upon how well you approach your work. It is not about how realistic your work is its about how well you are at what you do best. Its also based on how much you know like you can submit one piece in color pencil but you can also submit the same piece in pen and ink. Its based on how deverse you are in mediums you know. This is not a contest of the best realistic drawings, Its about being the best artist. And mainly thats how well you approach your work so the more work from you the more likelyhood you might win because that shows signs of deversity in art. And that is what I am looking for.

I do hope all of you enjoy the Oddworld art Contest and if not you can hop on over to non Oddworld art and Litature and do the Non Oddworld art contest!:D

Enjoy and if you have any question I will get back to you as soon as possible via PM.:D
Paramiteabe... :fuzblink:

oddguy 03-18-2004 05:37 PM

Scuba Toad

More to come...

paramiteabe 03-20-2004 02:32 AM

Sweet keep em comming mann do you have non Oddworld? I dunno it seems the non Oddworld is becomming more popular than this one but its ok its only been a week. I already submitted my dragon into the non Oddworld. But as for the Oddworld I am going to submit my Christmas drawing of Abe and Munch. You can also submit anykind fan based Oddworld materal if you want. Anything you made up that deals with Oddworld is good too. like I can post my picture of Blarg in this Oddworld art contest. And remember as we get more and more pieces start sending your votes to me so us judges can start talleying them. The judges are Oddguy, Alector, Sligslinger, and myself. Ill let you know what we are doing Oddguy later today. Ill pm you and and the other judges about the details.:D

Di$array 03-24-2004 04:52 AM

i am a good artist shame i don't have webspace :fuzsad: nice art there guys

Al the Vykker 04-02-2004 11:57 AM

Remember if you scan it onto your computer, or its on there anyways, you can always upload it in your post onto the forums. :fuzsmile:

VaniLLaKiLLah 05-05-2004 10:39 AM

thanx for reminding me on the OW art contest, oddguy.

Here we go:


Female Tomahawker:

A male character: Angrod. (©Oddys)




Sekto Springs 05-05-2004 02:16 PM

The Elum's cute, it looks kinda like a baby Elum. *huggles*
I like your style, I am judging this as we type!

Dipstikk 05-05-2004 06:52 PM

Im'a enter mah steuff.
And Vanilla, that Big-the-Face picture rocks.
This here's Greg. He's a Glukkon. Go figure.
I saw a concept for dis guy in the Treehuggers picture. I named him Nac and gave him immortality powers.
"Go ahead, punk...make my day..."
A request from Sal. Rock on, Sal. Rock on.
Greg had his portrait done. Loooooook.

And of course...
My final entry. Gotta use that one.

Alector 05-11-2004 12:35 AM

Wow Dipstikk,

I'm amazed! Your drawings are very expressive. Especially the comic strip shows that you are able to work with characters, colours and emotion.

Well, I think I have more to see to tell you more than just this.

Have fun drawing. If you like, we can make a drawing request or little art excange for these contests.

See you.


Oddish 05-11-2004 08:02 AM

Woa! Dipsstik, you drawings are outstanding. I realy like the emotions, and characters.


I'm working on shadow effects on my drawings.I also see some exelent shodow effects PA.

I don't see much enivoroments to be drawn.

VaniLLaKiLLah 05-11-2004 08:17 AM

whoa, dipstikk,
that's simply great work.

i forgot my personal favourite:
(Patches is the cute worm-like thing and ©SeaRex)

.:VaniLLaKiLLah:. :sleepy:

oddguy 05-11-2004 09:03 AM

I aspire to draw like you, Dipstikk. You're really able to bring across much emotion in your pictures. Great stuff!


drakan90 06-20-2004 08:10 AM

Well I was going to post some of my pictures, but now I see there is no point. lol. :fuzemb: Good work guys!

Havoc 06-20-2004 08:57 AM

DIPSTIK!!! GREAT PICS I love them! Keep it up!

ANN NEELY 06-24-2004 08:01 AM

Pictures! :)
Here are some pics. :fuzgrin:
Meagly McGraw
Weird thing I've seen a pic of somewhere on an OW site.
Craig going to smash his computer.
Female Mudokon.

One, Two, Middlesboogie 06-28-2004 08:12 AM

I like 'Shades', Oddguy. I've never been able to charcoal (I presume that's what that is) at all, let alone as well as that.
I like the style of yours, Dipstikk. I especially like headless Nac and 'WTF is that?!'; they're funny.

A pearoast (repost) for the compo, as they say on b3ta.
I posted these two a while back, but I'll post them again for the contest.

Linkage in case they don't show up as attachments:
Random Glukkon 1
Random Glukkon 2
Didnae bother giving them names, as I don't do fan-fiction.

Oddish 06-28-2004 09:23 AM

Nice colouring `n shading Ann! Great stuff OTM!

What the hey, i have made only some imags.

Shrykull kills

DeCast-Raider laughts

A new Stranger in town

Wild Angry Steef

Abe inTrouble

That's all folks

Soul Storm 08-30-2004 08:24 AM

Ive drawn 2 oddworld pics and this one only seems worthy enough to be shown...I think my pics in Non-Oddworld Artwork are better, but hey, could people tell me what they think of the paramite.

Software Bug 08-30-2004 09:19 AM

the paramite is great!!
Good job Soul Storm ,
I think youre new so Welcome to the forums:D

Soul Storm 08-30-2004 12:01 PM

Thanks alot!!
I wouldn't say that the paramite was great as im use to drawing anime although I'll keep practicing Odd-style.

Software Bug 08-30-2004 06:40 PM

Lol :D
but the paramite is just great:D
Odd-style is very goods its all about ODD :D

Oddish 09-02-2004 04:52 AM

ANN NEELY i can see you changed your pichures, why? good pics anyway.

Not bad Soulstorm, but keep going!

This compenition should be over 3 months ago!! whats happening?

Soul Storm 09-02-2004 08:39 AM

Like I said, im use to drawing anime and Odd is a bit of change...I'll keep practicing and hopefully will get better...I'll draw another Odd one tonight but if it goes sqaure-shaped then I wont be posting it.

Software Bug 09-02-2004 09:00 AM

well if you look to the dates you will find a 2 month difrent...
so somebody posted 1 thing an another stupid guy named Tim H. C. responsed that ;)

oddguy 09-05-2004 08:20 AM

This thread is...outdated.


However, it contains some great art. Feel free to browse.


Oddish 09-05-2004 08:40 AM

Ah yes, Oddguy is Modguy now. I think it's about time to see who has the best art in this contest.