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08-06-2003, 04:33 PM
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Grubb Fisherman
: Mar 2002
: Essex, MA
: 946
Rep Power: 23
nads  (10)

Anyway, your post before you edited it was a good one...why did you change it to that?
That was my brother, see e forgot his pass and asked if I could post for him.

god ram it!

That's interesting. How do you know what the Gay lifestyle entails?
ooh, ZING!

Now onto the next debate and this is a more civil one. Do you think human cloneing and anti ageing is right for society? For me it all depends on the ethical point of view of the situation. If a child of a family dies and that parent wants to clone his or her child then I think it is unethical. What good could a clone be for society? It is not right for mankind to clone people because there is a serious danger there like terrorist getting ahold of the technology.
Imagine your worst enemy, then imagine 5 of him, and the beatings and junk. How would that help society?

4 cold years...

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