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05-01-2003, 12:48 AM
Latamire_Munch's Avatar
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((ooc- sorry bout that, but im back now))

Trask- *runs up stairs with Ammy, not knowing that Harc and Smudge were a distance behind them* Hurry, Ammy! He could be doing something drastic!!

*They reach the roof and look around, but see Drogin nowhere*

Trask- *calls out* Drogin!

*Faintly they here a cry coming from the side of the building. They run over to the edge and look over. They see little Drogin, holding on for dear life to a bar on the outside wall of RF.*

Drogin- Trask! Ammy! Thank Odd! HELP ME!!!

Trask- Don't worry, we'll get you down! *to Ammy* We need to find a rope or something, he's too far down for us to reach!


Crank- *starts to head up stairs unbeknownst to him, he is a distance behind Harc and Smudge, following #7 slig's orders*


Cael- *finds that she cannot sleep at all. She sits up in the darkness, she figures Vince is already fast asleep and tiptoes out of the restroom*


Harc- *him and Smudge finally reach the top, they see Trask and Ammy yelling over the side* *to Smudge* Let's go, Drogin might be in trouble!
05-01-2003, 02:34 AM
tybie_odd's Avatar
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Vince: *finally asleep, he lays snoring in his bed with one leg hanging off the side*


Jayne: Yes, let's go. --Coming, Correl?

Correl: *looks shocked at first by RM and Jayne's offer; hesitates a minute*

Correl: Eh...you kids run along. I'll be there in a minute.

Jayne: Whatever you say, Gramps.

*After Jayne and RM leave, Correl goes for a stroll by himself to think*

Correl's Thoughts: I thought the sligs were heartless...but this Red Muse fella keeps trying to make friends with me...and everybody. He does seem to care for Jayne after all...not like that last one. *shivers at the memory* This facotry seems to be a different kind of place from our old one...the boss really seems decent, and the sligs actually aren't...that...bad......*hardens himself against the idea* No, they are. I'm just letting Jayne's nonsense get to my head. What about that Jammer fellow, huh? He's as heartless as anything! I bet he never had a decent feeling for anyone in his life!

*then as Correl walks along, he sees someone up ahead--a hunched figure sitting all alone, staring at the cold factory floor, occasionally wiping tears off his face...and eventually, he recognizes it to be Jammer*

Correl's Thoughts: Oh my Odd... *watches him for a moment in disbelief*


Adrian: *starts howling*

*Smudge follows Harc to the edge of the building where Ammy and Trask stand, and looking down he sees tiny Drogin dangling from the bar*

Smudge: Odd! Hang on Drogin! *leans over the edge toward him and stretches out his baton for Drogin to grab, but it's still just out of reach* Odd! What should we do?!

*the winds start blowing harder*

Adrian: *howls and hides between Ammy's feet*
"Stand back - I have an imagination and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"You don't have a chance if you don't take chances."
My RP cc's: Smudge | Jayne | Vince | Correl

05-01-2003, 03:17 AM
Native Poser's Avatar
Native Poser
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((OCC: Mind if I join in?))
~~New Charracter~~
Name: Tattoo (his nick-name, no one knows his real name)
Species: Mudokon
Age: 25
Personality: Tattoo used to be a native. It’s a rare event to hear him speak, and if he does, its in the language his tribe spoke. Because of this, Tattoo communicates mostly through gestures, various noises, making faces, and body launguage. Tattoo is usually a calm, gentle, & patient mudokon. If provoked enough, however, he is a fierce warrior & is perfectly willing to die for a friend. Meditating, whistling, & playing dingeridoo(sp?) are some of his favorite things to do.
Appearance: Tattoo's body is covered with many intricate & beautifull tattoos--hence his nick-name "Tattoo". His skin is a bit darker shade of green than usual & his feather is decorated with--you guessed it--a tattoo. This tattoo covers his entire feather & makes it look as if it where blue with swirls of purple (the thing that connects the feather to his head has been colored yellow/gold). Though not overly muscular in apearance, Tattoo is very strong & agile for a mudokon. He owns a small dingeridoo(sp?) that he keeps with him.
Note: Vick & Tattoo have met before, in Scrabania
Name: Vick
Species: Slig (big bro)
Age: 22
Personality: Vick is very blunt when he speaks. He likes sleep, food, slogs, & scrabs (which is suprizing after the incident in Scrabania...)
Appearance: Vick --of coarse-- is very strong, big, & carries a big gun. He has a scar across his chest--which he likes to call "a little souvenir from scrabania".
Tattoo walks down what he thinks is a hallway (he's inside RF). Three sligs (they aren't RF employees) guide him as he walks forward--two behind him, one to his right. Tattoo sighs quietly to himself, he's exhausted. He notices that the sligs have led him into a darker part of the building. Tattoo suddenly feels a sharp pain in the back of his head.
Tattoo: *falls to the ground* eck! *tries to get back up, only to be knocked down again by a kick from one of the sligs*...agh *curls into a ball as he recieves another kick*

Vick: *Takes a look around* So this is the place eh?...... *grins, shakes his head & walks towards RF*

Last edited by Native Poser; 04-30-2003 at 09:17 PM..
05-01-2003, 04:24 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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*almost every paramite is awake now, all screaching, and makeing a very loud unpleasent sound*

Halije: *jumping around in the factory* "Quick! who is the person in charge??!
I want to be hired." *remembers the paramites* "ah, and there's a riot in the stockyards" *realises he is lost, and slows down* "uh, hello?"
05-01-2003, 11:03 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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((ooc: The Muse iz back...*burb* ))

:::::::::::::::: ic ::::::::::::::::::

Jammer: *freezes when he hears Correl's footsteps echoing through the zulag*...*sniff*...--Who's there!?... *waits for an answer*

Is somebody there?

*unsure what to do, he stands up and goes to get his slig mask.
He slides the mask back to his head*

Jammer: (Maybe I am hearing things.... There is no one in here than me... *sigh* Calm down Jammer... Just calm down...)
*goes back to the bench and sits down*


*Morpheus is closing on Jammer, he is now in the same zulag with Jammer and Correl; though he knows nothing about Correl's presence. He takes his radar out once more. The view on the screen pleases him--Jammer is near. *

Morpheus: ...hmmmm.... *shouts with a ghastly voice* Jammer!! I have come to get you back!

Jammer: *his heart begins to race, as he hears the voice straight from his nightmares* ....!? ...(It's...--)

Morpheus: You know it's futile to run, don't you? You cannot escape me...I'm the one who moulded you...I'm your creator, your master-- your father.

Jammer: *whispers behind tears, his breathing is getting faster and faster* ...--Morpheus... no... *falls from the bench to his knees* ...go away...!

Morpheus: Answer me Jammer, and all will be over much more quicker than you could even imagine! I have come here, to RuptureFarms, to get you back! You are needed at the Labs...

Jammer: ...no...-no-no--no, NO!! *he casts his eyes to the direction of the voice; into the darkness. He first cannot make out anything suspicious--but then, a small shady figure is visible to him* ...--Go away!!! *he jumps up and begins to run away from Morpheus*

Morpheus: ...*watching Jammer run, sniggering like a maniac* Oh, I just love a good hunt. Thank you my son- for making my day. *quickly searches his bag and pulls out a small device with one red button on it* ...--Feel the pain--my boy.

*Morpheus presses the button, causing Jammer immediately to start twitching and howling in pain.*

Jammer: *drops back to his knees, holding his head and screaming in terror as the strong electric pulses race through his veins * ---S-stop!!!

Morpheus: *grinning* What--? You already had enough? *lets go of the button* ...--But I am just getting started... *presses the button back down*


Ammy: *picks Adrian up* Trask!! I'll go look for a rope!!! I'll be right back!!! *runs back inside, but bumps into Crank on her way* Oh!! Who are you!?
...No matter-quick- the others need help! *pushes Crank up the stairs*
Go help the others!
*rushes down the stairs and stops looking for something helpful*
*sees a loose pipe hanging from the ceiling, the end of the pipe is hanging just a few meters above her head* Yes!!

*pust Adrian back down* Stay, boy, stay! ...now if I could just... *jumps to reach the pipe* ...- reach the darn thing!
*jumps up once more*... Ugh! No use-- I can't reach it... Gotta go get Harc!

*rushes back up to the roof* Haaarc!!! Quick! I need your help downstairs! Hurry now!
*goes back down and runs under the pipe*
...Hurry Harc!


RM: Jayne, is Correl alright..? He sounded absent back there... Well-- I bet we all are a bit absent after what happened--
... Speaking of absent...-- I wonder where Jammer went...
I'd like to talk with him...

*they reach the restroom*

RM: Ladies first. *holds the door open for Jayne, smiling at her*
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05-01-2003, 12:17 PM
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*#7 Slig wokes up by Jammer's scream*

#7 Slig: "Whoa! What was that? I better check it out."

*gets his gun from under his bed*

*starts running out of the Rest Room*

*runs into Jayne and falls on the floor*

#7 Slig: "Jayne! Red Muse! Did you hear that scream? That almost scared me out of my pants! Hey, where's my mask? Oops, I forgot it at my bed."

*goes back for it, puts it on and turns it on*

05-01-2003, 10:35 PM
tybie_odd's Avatar
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Jayne: Don't worry, I'm sure Correl's fine. He just has trouble with new ideas--thinks everything will always be the way it was back at his old tribe, but that's over now. --Oh, thank you. *smiles back at RM and starts through the door--only to bump into #7 Slig!*

Jayne: Owff! Oh, #7 are you okay? -A scream? What? *watches him run back for his mask*

Jayne: *to RM* What's he talking about?

Vince: *wakes up* ....hmm? Hey, 7, what's up? What's happening? *notices RM and Jayne at the door* --You two still up? What's going on? *yawns and gets out of bed groggily*


Smudge: *to Drogin* ...hold on.....we'll get you up!


Adrian: *whines*


Correl: *sees the horror Morpheus is dealing out to Jammer*

Correl's Thoughts: What should I do! I can't just leave these two here! I have to stop this! But what can I do? But I can't possibly hope to outfight that Vykker! Oh, what can I do?? ... *an old memory comes to him, and he glances down at the faded symbols on his left arm* ....I could....--Could I? Can I still do it? Do I still have what it takes? .....-It's worth a try....

*Correl clenches his fists in determination and fixes his eyes on the monsterous Vykker*

Correl's Thoughts: .....you're mine.....

*Correl raises his hands parrallel in front of his chest, closes his eyes, and begins a rythmic chant...* ~Dyo-dyu-dyo-dyu-dyo-dyu~...
"Stand back - I have an imagination and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"You don't have a chance if you don't take chances."
My RP cc's: Smudge | Jayne | Vince | Correl

05-01-2003, 11:03 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Halije: "Where am I? Ah, there's a sign that points to the... cafertirea. oh. where is everyone?"
*jumps on, and eventualy finds himself in a room with a big bro slig, a (shiver) vykker, and a mud that was chanting?*
'oh, no! im gonna be possesed! Wait, i don't feel any different. That vykker doesnt look good, though... maybe the mud isnt aiming for me.'
"whats going on?"
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

Last edited by Seargentbig; 05-01-2003 at 03:07 PM..
05-01-2003, 11:39 PM
Latamire_Munch's Avatar
: Dec 2002
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Drogin- H-help meeee!!! *his grip is weakening*

Trask- *nods to Ammy* Hold on Drogin!

Crank- *after running into Ammy* Woah! Hellooo! ... .Erm....alright? * goes upstairs*

Harc- *follows Ammy. He lifts her up onto his shoulders so she can reach the bar* Did you reach it?


Cael- *hears Jammer's scream and runs in the direction of it. She sees Jammer squirming on the floor, a strange Vykker, Correl chanting and an out of place Glukkon* Correl! Jammer! *thinks* I gotta help! But what can I do?!

((ooc- wow this is exciting))(( sorry SB, my bad))

Last edited by Latamire_Munch; 05-02-2003 at 08:44 AM..
05-01-2003, 11:53 PM
Native Poser's Avatar
Native Poser
: Feb 2003
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Vick enters the building, and wanders around for a while until he spots a trio of sligs beating on something curled up on the floor. For a second he thinks he hears a scream echo through the hallway somewere (though not in the emediate area).
Vick: *in an intimidating voice* Hey! Wacha guys got there?!
*the group of sligs scatter*
Tattoo: *hears the sligs run* ...sigh..*slowly gets up & quikly recognizes Vick* ..eh?
Vick: Tattoo old buddy!
Tattoo: *glares at Vick* ......
Vick: *cant see the expression on Tattoo's face--its too dark* Here *yanks the mudokon to his feet* ere we go.
Tattoo: *Backs away quikly*
*Every muscle in Tattoo's body tenses as he catches a familiar sound (can it be? I havent heard chanting in years.....) *listens carefully for a few seconds* (....It IS chanting!). *runs towards the sound of Correl's voice*
Vick: Hey! *runs after Tattoo* wait up ya nutcase!
~Tattoo runs faster--he hasn't seen another mudokon in a long time. He finally catches sight of an older mudokon up ahead of him.
Vick: *trips* Argh! *hits the floor*
Tattoo: *tries to say hello in his language, but notices that Correl is busy chanting* ... (whats he trying to-)...*sees the vyker, big bro, & a glukkon* ..??.... *suddenly makes up his mind on what he's doing*
~Tattoo nods to himself & begins to chant. He allows his chanting energy to combine with Correl's--hoping to help. ((Since tattoo has no idea what Correl is trying to do, he is just giving Correl's chant an extra boost to help him--meaning that Correl is in control of their chanting power combined))
Vick: Ugh... *sits up & tries to look around*

Last edited by Native Poser; 05-01-2003 at 05:06 PM..
05-02-2003, 01:01 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Ooc: Just so it doesnt hapen again, I woud like to say that Halije is a Gluckon not a paramite. My paramite character is Hissscreachhiss (or HSH).
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

05-03-2003, 02:27 AM
tybie_odd's Avatar
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Smudge: HOLD ON DROGIN!! *in desperation, he attepmts to climb down closer to Drogin, but he can't get close enough*


Correl's Thoughts: Whoa! Where did that energy come from? ...Somewhere, someone must be helping me...

*Correl focuses their combined energies toward Morpheus in attempted possession*


Vince: *rubs his eyes* Oh boy, not one decent night's sleep since we got here! C'mon, what is it this time? *throws the blankets back over his bed to "make it" and walks lazily for the door*


((ooc: TRM - Correl's success/failure at possession is your choice;
NativeP - Correl remembers his own tribe's language. Would you like him to be able to understand Tattoo's? ))
"Stand back - I have an imagination and I'm not afraid to use it!"
"You don't have a chance if you don't take chances."
My RP cc's: Smudge | Jayne | Vince | Correl

05-03-2003, 03:39 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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Ammy: *reaching for the bar* ...Just..a bit higher and I've got it!
*manages to take a grip from the bar* Harc, I got it! Let me just pull it off and we can go help Drogin!

*pulls the bar off the ceiling, causing little pieces of sement rain down on them*

Thanks Harc. *jumps off his shoulder* We'd better hurry back!
Come on now!

*runs up the stairs--when on the roof, she runs to the edge where Smudge is*

Ammy: *to Smudge* Here!! Take this bar! *shoves the bar into his hands, then wrapping her arms around his waist* Tell me when I have to pull!!


RM: Errhh... *to Vince*--I don't know... #7slig said he heard a scream and---! Wait a minute! Be quiet- I think I heard something!

*focuses listening to the sound he heard.*

RM: Hmmm... Do you hear it too -Jayne and Vince? I've never heard sunch sound before... It sounds like...--like---chanting or something... You know, chanting; repeating the same over and over again in a steady rhythm.
...Do you think we should go and see...what's going on...or something...?


Morpheus: *as the chanting begins to affect him* M--h...ha..wh--at? My body! I--I can---can't feel my -b-b-b-ody! *starts to shake and drops the little device he was holding*
Where is t-t-that chanting coming from!? *turns around to see the source of the chant--seeing Correl and Tattoo*

*he uses his last pieces of self-control to open his bag and take out a small Snuzi. He aims it at Correl*

Morpheus: Time to die old man!

*at the same time, Jammer gains his consciousness. He slowly stands up and sees what is going on. First, he only sees Correl chanting, but as he realizes that Morpheus is the target, not him, and sees the Snuzi being aimed at Correl, Jammer doen't hesitate for a second. He quickly unstraps a pistol-which he is hiding in his pants- and pulls the trigger at Morpheus. The bullet pierces Morpheus' skull-- blood , skull and brain pieces bursting out of the hole. The vykker falls dead on the floor, twitching a little*

Jammer: ...I did it... *sits down on the floor* ...I did it... I killed...Morpheus... heh.. I'm--I'm free! ...Ugh...*passes out*


((ooc: Tybie, I hope this solution was better...or...?))
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05-03-2003, 04:10 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Halije: *Shaking, he looks the pair of muds, the unconcous big bro, and the dead vykker and then decides what to do*
"c - can any of you show me a p p place that I can sleep? I kin..."
*Faints and colapes on the floor.*


HSH: *stops hissing, and begins to study the cage door*
'how can we exit this cage?'
*taps the floor of the cage*
"*Taptaptap Taptaptap!*" (for thoes of you who dont have AE, i will translate: All a ya!)
*othe paramites in cage stop hissing, and pay attension*
"*drawn out low pitch screach*" (C'mon)
*other paramites in cage walk over to HSH*
"*drawn out high pitch screach*" (Attack!)
*paramites in cage start attacking the cage door. HSH does too. Eventualy, the door gives. and the paramites get out. HSH finds a pipe and as hard as he can:
"*taptaptap! taptaptap!*" (All a ya!)
*Every paramite in the stockyards pay attention. HSH turns to the paramites that were in his cage*
"*quick high pitched screach*" (Do it!)
*the paramites start freeing more paramites from their cages*
'haha! i fell sorry for the pour soul who comes dow here first in the morning'
*goes to sleep*
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

05-03-2003, 04:40 AM
Native Poser's Avatar
Native Poser
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((OCC: Tybie_odd: if you'd like to have Correl understand thats fine with me! That'd be cool =) Tat's tribe had a language of their own--but it was very similar to what most natives spoke, so it wouldn't be much of a problem for Correl to understand most of what he's saying.))

Tattoo collapses in exhaustion at the same moment Jammer's gun fires--he hasn't slept in days, so chanting--especially in this case-- was a major drain on him. Tattoo closes his eyes silently.
Tattoo: *sprawled out on the floor* ...sigh...*passes out*

Confused and a bit alarmed, Vick gets to his feet.
Vick: What the.....*notices Jammer* Whats going on? *looks around & spots Tattoo* ..!?.. *mutters to himself* ...poor idiot...heh..

05-03-2003, 04:56 AM
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*#7 Slig gets out of Rest Room*

#7 Slig: "So, what are we waiting for? Let's go and see what happened... *yawns* ...again."

*starts running to Jammer, Halije, Correl, Tattoo, and the rest of Morpheus *

#7 Slig: "Another assault, eh? What does this Vykkers to here? Is he dead?"

*looks at the hole in his head*

#7 Slig: "Errr... It was a stupid question."

*spots Halije*

#7 Slig: "Good day... uhm... evening, sir. How can I help you?"

ooc: I posted new art at Rpg cc Fan Art (non-high quality!)

Last edited by dripik; 05-03-2003 at 03:17 AM..
05-03-2003, 05:55 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Halije: (muffled) "you can help me bu finding me a matress. A pillow and covers could be helpfull too."
*stands up*
"oh, yeah, and there are some pretey upset paramites in the stockyards. they seem to have quieted down now"
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05-03-2003, 11:16 AM
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*Rick is sleeping in a dark corner*

Rick: "ZZZZZZZzzzZZZzZZZzZZ... Wha... What was that? I heard gunshots."

*gets up*

Rick: "I better check it out. I think it came from that hall."

*runs in the hall to Jammer and the others*

Rick: "Hey, a Vykkers! It's dead. #7 Slig, what happened here?"

#7 Slig: "I don't know the details, but I know that this vykkers did something bad some minutes ago, but Jammer shot him down."

Rick: "Yes, as I see."

#7 Slig: "By the way, sir. The Executive Rest Room is upstairs. Arnie, the boss, and Otto, his junior apprentice is already there. But don't wake them up, the boss will talk to ya tomorrow. OK? So... Oh, yeah! Rick. And that Glukkon said there was some noisy Paramites at Stockyards. We should check them before we get back."

Rick: "Good idea."

*they're heading to Stockyards*

Rick: "We're finaly outside. Huh? Quick, duck!"

*grabs #7 Slig's arm and pulls him down behind a rock*

#7 Slig: "Hey, what's your problem?"

Rick: "Shhh! Can't you see that those Paramites are outside?"

#7 Slig: "Of course, they're outside, outside in Stockyards."

Rick: "No! Outside the cages!"

*#7 Slig takes a look from behind of the rock and sees Paramites hissing and stuff*

#7 Slig: "What could we do?"

Rick: "Let me think... I think... I should possess one of them and order the others back into their cages."

#7 Slig: "Do you know how to chant? Correl is the only Mudokon here who can possess creatures."

Rick: "I hope that he's not the only one. I practised chanting when I was in the forest with the others. I hope I can still do it. But this place is unsafe. Those Paramites will spot me if I chant."

#7 Slig: "Hey, how 'far' can a Mudokon chant? You know..."

Rick: "Well... About 10-15 meters."

#7 Slig: "That's perfect. Come on!"

*they sneak back to the factory*

Last edited by dripik; 05-03-2003 at 03:18 AM..
05-03-2003, 12:35 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Halije: *searching around upstairs* "this pace is big. where... ah, there" *tipitoes into the executive rest room, finds a bed and gets in. soon after he is sleeping*


HSH: *sleeping*
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05-04-2003, 03:56 AM
Native Poser's Avatar
Native Poser
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Vick: *looks around the room, trying to figure out what on earth is going on* ....erm..What exactly happened here?
Tattoo: *still unconscious*

05-04-2003, 06:56 AM
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*Rick and #7 Slig goes into the factory*

#7 Slig: "I know it was around here somewhere."

Rick: "What?"

#7 Slig: "Shhh! Just follow my lead!"

*#7 Slig is looking for something*

#7 Slig: "Ah, there it is! See that pole?"

*Rick looks at the pole leading up to a platform near a window*

Rick: "Oh, I get it now. We must climb up there and I can possess a Paramite from there. OK, let's go."

#7 Slig: "I'll go first, because it could happen that I'll need some help. I don't know how can I climb a pole with these mechanical pants. At least they are new."

Rick: "OK, climb up and tell me when you arrived."

*#7 Slig grabs the pole and starts climbing*

#7 Slig: "Hey, these feet of mine perfectly fit on vertical terrain. OK, I'm ready. Come on!"

*Rick climbs up too*

05-04-2003, 09:53 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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HSH: *wakes up, and looks at all the patroling paramites*

'Hmmm. No caged paramites... no alarms... no meat saws... no released scrabs... looks good. But we'll need some food. And I know the best sourse of it aroun here.'


'paramite meat. there must be some somewhere.'

*looks around and spots a crate with some signs and a picture of a paramite on a pie. futher on he sees a crate with more signs and a scrab on a crate.*

'Ah. there is enough meat for us to survive.'
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

Last edited by Seargentbig; 05-04-2003 at 10:16 PM..
05-04-2003, 03:02 PM
Latamire_Munch's Avatar
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Drogin- *reaches for the bar* A...little....lower!

*Suddenly, everyone hears thunder crack nearby*

Trask- Oh no! Hurry everyone! *runs up and grabs Ammy's waist so they can go down a little further*

*It starts to rain*

Drogin- Gaahh!! I'm slipping!

Crank- Forget this! I ain't rustin' up my pants! *goes back inside*

Harc- *holds on to Trask's feet, so he doesn't slip*

*it starts to rain harder and the ledge is getting slippier. In a second that seemed like forever, Drogin slipped off the ledge just as he was able to reach the bar.*

Trask- Harc! Pull us up!

*Harc pulls them all back onto the roof. Drogin collapses on the ground, into unconciousness*

Trask- Come on, let's go back inside.
05-04-2003, 03:14 PM
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Ammy: Drogin!! You're okay!! Odd, you scared us all! *hugs Drogin, tears of joy falling from her eyes* ...Let's go back inside... *she pulls herself away from Drogin, wiping away the tears and goes down the stairs*

Ammy: Oh...good Odd... I think I need to see the Shrink after this night... *walks to Adrian and picks him up* You're a good boy Adrian! Tomorrow you'll get an extra scrab leg for all of this!

*waits for Harc, Trask, Drogin and Smudge to come down*

RM: *still standing at the doorway, looking puzzled* ...I--uh--... what should we do? I'm not sure do I even want to see what's going on... I've seen right about enough this night... *shakes his head* ...hey... wait a minute... Jayne, have you seen Ammy lately? Not to mention Drogin, Trask, Harc and Smudge...
This is getting very confusing...

Jammer: *still unconscious*

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05-04-2003, 05:01 PM
Native Poser's Avatar
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Vick: *shrugs and tries to make sense of everything in his head* (Maybe the big bro & the Vykker tried somethin' stupid & that old scrub tried to stop em...or...what if...) *looks at Jammer & goes over to him*... *laughs quietly--he's amused, its the first time he's seen a big bro unconscious*... *says quietly* What happened to you? *pokes the big bro with his foot*

Tattoo comes out of unconsiousness for a few moments. He looks at Correl with a weak smile--its been a long time since he's seen another mudokon. His head hurts but he's happy. Tattoo soon passes out again.

05-05-2003, 01:34 AM
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Cael- *runs and kneels next to Jammer* *checks his pulse* Oh, you're alive! Please be okay! I can't stand to see people hurt! Please wake up Jammer! *shakes him gently*


Harc- *bends over and picks up the knocked out Drogin*

Trask- Let's take him to the Rest Room. *they head downstairs. Trask sees Ammy. He pats her back.* Good job, you saved his life. Now, let's go down to the Rest Room, I know we're all extremely exhausted after this.


Crank- *after leaving the roof, he heads to the Rest room. He sees nothing of his interest there, so wanders around RF. He walks into the hall where the Jammer and RM incident took place. He sees two stains of blood on the floor* Hmm... I think I'm going to like it here. *makes an evil chuckle and continues onto the stockyards. He notices all the paramites and scrabs* Hmph, stupid animals...
05-05-2003, 09:35 PM
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Vick: *chuckles at the sight of Cael kneeling by Jammer* Heh, he'll be fine. I've seen worse injuries..... *goes to lean against the wall--smirking*
Tattoo: *still unconsious*

05-06-2003, 03:41 PM
The Red Muse's Avatar
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Jammer:*groans and opens his eyes, seeing Cael bending over him* ....? Hey-- move.
*gently pushes Cael away, keeping his eyes in contact with hers. He carefully stands up and looks around. He walks to Morpheus' limp body and looks down on it. * ... I hope you rot in hell--dad.

*he kicks the dead vykker and then turns to Correl*

Jammer: Yo! *walks over to Correl* ...I owe you one old timer. You ain't that bad after all... *pats the old mudokon to his back*

*after that- without saying any words - Jammer walks away, one of the four legs in his metallic pants is partly disconnected and is sending sparks to the floor on every step. As he closes to the rest room, he sees Red Muse, Jayne and Vince standing near the door. First he hesitates to go, but then encourages himself enough to go to them. He walks to RM*

RM: ... Jammer...

Jammer: ...Muse...

*they both stare at eachother is deadly silence*

Jammer: *sigh* ...Look, Muse-- I've... I've been a complete jackass and I... uh... I thought.... that... by any chance...if- you could--- *swallows hards and closes his eyes momentarily* ... I'm sorry Muse. I--... I haven't been myself...for the past years... and I-- I ... *looks directly into RM's eyes, his own hazel eyes are almost flooding with tears, that need to be released and inner hatred, that needs to be extinguished*

Jammer: ... I beg you-- to--- forgive me.

RM: *stands still, his mouth wide open* .... ah...*glances at Jayne and Vince*

Jammer: *looks down at the ground* ... I understand if you don't want to forgive me... I've been an idiot--

RM: --No! Jammer no... I--umm... *draws a heartly smile to his lips and winks at Jayne* ---I understand you , I believe you... and I forgive you. But I too, need to apologize(sp?) from you. I haven't been any more ..."nicer" to you than you were to me.

*holds out his hand for Jammer*
RM: Friends?

Jammer: *silently stares at RM's hand and then takes it, shifting his eyes back to RM* ... yeah... friends... *as his long-buried emotions start to surface, he pulls RM closer and gives him a big bear hug*

RM: Gah....~ah... *hack* ...J-Jammer-- I--uh...~I can't--

Jammer: You're the bloody best little weed out there, Muse!

RM: ~That's-- just cute..., Jammer~~ put me down-- I can't breathe!!

Jammer: Oh yeah! Sorry! *quickly lets RM go and grins innocently afterwards* Sorry...

RM: ...That's ...okay... I need to catch my breath...

Jammer: *grins at Muse and then turns to face Jayne and Vince*... So... Jayne...-Vince... I hope, you two guys can forgive me too...

Ammy: *yawning, to Trask* Yeah... you're right... let's go get our well earned rest... Isn't it so Adrian?

*she smiles at the small slog and starts walking to the rest room*


((ooc: Argh! Busy, busy ,busy....))
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05-06-2003, 05:45 PM
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Vick: *watches Jammer & Red Muse in confusion*..... Would someone mind telling me what the hell is going on?
Tattoo: *halfyway opens his eyes* ...sigh... *sits up & looks around*
Vick: *turns to Tattoo* Your awake huh?
Tattoo: *Still to dazed to react*
Vick: *rolls his eyes* How come ya never talk?
Tattoo: *puts a hand to his head*

05-08-2003, 01:43 PM
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*Rick and #7 Slig climb the pole*

Rick: "OK, I'm up here. So what's next?"

#7 Slig: "Go to the window and possess a Paramite. Then order them to go inside the cages or something."

Rick: "OK, I'll try."

*goes to the window and starts chanting*

#7 Slig: "I hope it works... Oh, I see!"

*lights start to circle around Rick's head*

*one of the Paramites starts hissing*

#7 Slig: "I never saw a possessed creature before. This is interesting."

*the lights go straight to the Paramite's head*

Rick inside Paramite: "Wow! This worked! Now, let's do this thing."

*goes to a group of Paramites*

Rick inside Paramite: "OK, go inside the cages... ?"

*the Paramites look to eachother*

Paramite: "Beats me."

*they go into the cages*

Rick inside Paramite: "OK, one of three groups. Let's continue!"

ooc: these Paramite-talks are in Paramite 'language', of course, because I don't know how to say these


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