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Chest Pains

Posted 06-17-2009 at 09:56 AM by Munch's Master
So I've been getting chest pains, to the upper left of my chest in the heart region. Sharp pains, that dont tend to last long, and feel like theyre beneath the surface. Can be accompanied by the surface skin feeling tender.

Started yesterday afternoon, didn't last long. Had it again midday today briefly, and again just now but lasting a bit longer.

I'm tyring to book a doctor's appointment for either tomorrow or Friday, whichever possible. I'm highly concerned over this, especially as there's no reason for me to be getting them besides possible chronic stress. Which has often been correlated to cardiovascular illness, such as Coronary Heart Disease.

Wish me luck.
Total Comments 8


used:)'s Avatar
Do they feel like pockets of gas moving around inside your heart and are exacerbated when you try to inhale? I've had those for years. My younger brother has had them before too. So, I think it might just be hereditary.

Still, I really don't know what causes them and if they're indicative of anything serious. I'm curious to know what your doctor has to say.
Posted 06-17-2009 at 10:07 AM by used:)

Munch's Master's Avatar
Nah, they dont feel much like that.

More like a stitch or wind, but in the heart region. Sudden, sharp, little stabby.
Posted 06-17-2009 at 10:31 AM by Munch's Master

MA's Avatar
i think i have that Used.

i hope it isnt anything serious Munch, but your right to seek medical advice, you dont want to risk it with something like this.
Posted 06-17-2009 at 11:33 AM by MA

joshkrz's Avatar
I get this every so often, I don't think it's much but then again, I'm no doctor.
Posted 06-17-2009 at 01:16 PM by joshkrz

Fuzzle Guy's Avatar
It's all those cigarettes you've been around on the forums.
Posted 06-17-2009 at 01:18 PM by Fuzzle Guy

Alcar's Avatar
I've been suffering from chest pains like that for about three weeks. It's started to subside for the most part.

The doctor called it something I can't remember and said it wasn't anything to worry about.

The doctor also said my lungs were fine. I smoke 1-2 packs of cigarettes each day...

Posted 06-17-2009 at 07:00 PM by Alcar

Jordan's Avatar
That's weird. I've been feeling stuff like that for a while, it kind of worries me sometimes.
Posted 06-17-2009 at 10:42 PM by Jordan

Rex Tirano's Avatar
I'm sure everything's fine.

I remember reading somewhere about psychosomatic stress illnesses [as I get these and they're a mega bitch], and the most common form of acute stress-induced pain are sharp pains that occur on the left side of the upper body.

Let us know how it goes!
Posted 06-19-2009 at 01:47 AM by Rex Tirano


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